Postcards from Pakistan

Postcard on Pakistan Independence Day

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Today is Pakistan’s Independence Day.  It has been 74 years since independence and today will be a day of celebration.  Over the last week stalls have appeared at the sides of the roads selling flags, lamps, bunting and horns.  People decorate their homes, cars and bikes.  

Government buildings, landmarks, and homes are also decorated with lots of fairy lights.  It is also a tradition to light diyas.  Diyas are small lamps made out of clay, with a cotton wick dipped in vegetable or mustard seed oil.  Diyas are considered to be a symbol of hope.  They are lit for celebrations, including weddings and religious festivals, and at prayers at Sufi shrines.

So we lit diyas for Pakistan Independence Day.  We celebrate with Pakistan and hope for a prosperous and peaceful future.  

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