Postcards from Pakistan

Postcard from Australia - Three Capes Walk Tasmania - Day Four

April 2024 - our last day on the Three Capes walk - 14km. We are walking with a full pack and the day begins with lots and lots of stairs. It is a steep walk up Mt Fortescue. I don’t mind the climb as the scenery is stunning: lush rainforest: moss covered trees; fungi and ferns. We continued the walk to Cape Hauy. You can leave your pack at the top of the loop out to the cape and just take a day pack. We start down the steep stone stairs as it begins to rain. We didn’t make it all the way out to the end of the cape as heavy rain set in. The rain lifted as we walked into Fortescue Bay. A bus takes you back to Port Arthur. We get home, we eat non-hydrated food and have a hot shower. We enjoy the home comforts but we are already missing the beauty of the Three Capes.

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Postcard from Australia - Three Capes Walk Tasmania - Day Three

Day three, Three Capes Walk, Tasmania, April 2023. Today is the longest walk, 19km, however for three quarters of the walk we only have to carry our day packs. It is a relief to leave our big packs behind, except when we have to pick up the 15kg pack for the last 5km. The guide says today is all about drama and adrenalin. The walk out to The Blade and Cape Pillar is spectacular and there is plenty of drama as you look across to Tasman Island and watch the rain sweep across the bay.

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Postcard from Australia - Three Capes Walk Tasmania - Day Two

Day two, April 2023, on the Three Capes Walk is a 11km walk through varied landscapes. The path follows the coastline, through eucalypt forests and heathland. There are great views from Athurs Peak. The rain clouds gather but it stays clear. At Munro Cabin we are rewarded with an outdoor shower with hot water - bliss.

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